The Magic of Emotional Freedom Techniques
 What if you could release years of stress, emotional pain, and limiting beliefs… with just your fingertips?

Are You Feeling Stuck?
You’ve tried positive thinking and goal-setting, but you still feel blocked
You keep repeating the same frustrating patterns—whether it’s in your health, relationships, or finances
You feel weighed down by old emotions or memories, but no matter what you do, they won’t fully go away

I’ve been there.

For years, I tried to push myself forward, convincing myself to “just think positively.” But deep down, I knew something was missing. Why couldn’t I change the way I felt, even when I really wanted to?
That’s when I discovered Tapping, and everything changed.
For the first time, I experienced a shift—a real shift. Not just a change in my thoughts, but in my entire body. My stress and fears didn’t have the same hold on me anymore. I finally felt a sense of freedom I didn’t know was possible. And the best part? It was easy.

Your life is a reflection of what you believe, what you feel, and where your energy flows. 
Most of us unknowingly create our reality based on deeply ingrained belief systems—many of which we aren’t even consciously aware of.
These beliefs often stem from past experiences, traumas, or words spoken by those we trusted. Over time, they become the unseen forces shaping our lives, keeping us stuck in patterns that don’t align with our true desires.
Without realizing it, we continue to manifest from these old, limiting beliefs—sometimes attracting what we don’t want simply because our subconscious is still operating from outdated programming. Many people feel that achieving what they truly desire is difficult or even impossible unless it’s handed to them.
The truth is, you are always manifesting—both the wanted and the unwanted.
To create the life you truly desire, you must first clear the emotional clutter, reprogram your subconscious, and adopt new habits that support your nervous system and overall well-being.
This is where EFT Tapping comes in.
EFT is a powerful tool that helps you release past trauma, neutralize negative beliefs, and replace them with empowering, positive ones.
When you shift your beliefs and support them with aligned habits, you unlock the ability to manifest with ease and flow—not through force, but by stepping into your highest potential.
All you need is guidance to help you step into this version of yourself, and that’s exactly what I’m here to support you with.
What is EFT Tapping?
EFT Tapping is like a reset button for your emotions—a simple yet powerful technique that helps you release stress, fears, and limiting beliefs quickly and effectively. By gently tapping on specific acupressure points on the face and upper body while focusing on an issue, you signal the brain to calm down, allowing your nervous system to shift out of stress mode and into balance.
Also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Tapping is a powerful stress-relief method that combines the wisdom of ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology. Just like acupuncture and acupressure, Tapping works with the body’s energy meridian points—but instead of needles, you simply use your fingertips to stimulate these points, literally tapping into your body’s natural healing power
The process is simple: While tapping on these points, you keep your focus on the issue at hand—whether it’s an overwhelming emotion, stress, an unresolved problem, or even a physical symptom. This mind-body connection allows you to break free from emotional blocks, reduce stress hormones like cortisol, and rewire limiting thought patterns that no longer serve you.
Research has shown that EFT Tapping can help:
Reduce stress and anxiety
Lower cortisol levels
Improve sleep and relaxation
Relieve physical pain and tension
Boost productivity and focus
Enhance emotional resilience and overall well-being
The best part? Tapping is easy to learn, simple to use, and completely free. You can do it anytime, anywhere—whether you need a quick stress release, emotional healing, or simply a tool to bring more balance into your life.

The Benefits of EFT Tapping
EFT Tapping is a powerful, evidence-based technique that can provide relief from a wide range of emotional, mental, and physical challenges. Whether you're struggling with stress or looking to improve your overall well-being, Tapping offers a simple yet highly effective way to support your mind and body.
EFT Tapping Can Help With:
Stress & Anxiety
Depression & Low Mood
Chronic Pain & Tension
Sleep Issues & Insomnia
ADHD & Focus Difficulties
PTSD & Emotional Trauma
Fears & Phobias
Panic Attacks
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Addiction & Cravings
Weight Loss & Emotional Eating
And much more

Beyond symptom relief, Tapping also enhances overall well-being by promoting balance in your nervous system and emotional state.

Additional Benefits of EFT Tapping:
Increased energy levels
Improved focus, productivity, and motivation
Deeper, more restorative sleep
Stronger emotional resilience and mental clarity
Greater confidence and self-worth
✔ Reduced negative self-talk and limiting beliefs
More self-acceptance, less self-judgment
A greater sense of peace and ease in daily life
Enhanced athletic and performance abilities
EFT Tapping is a holistic tool that helps you regain control over your emotions, thoughts, and overall well-being. Whether you want to reduce stress, release emotional baggage, or cultivate a more positive mindset,  
Tapping is a simple, natural, and empowering practice you can start using today.

How Does EFT Tapping Work?
EFT Tapping blends traditional Chinese medicine with modern psychology to help regulate stress and restore emotional balance. In traditional Chinese medicine, energy flows through meridian pathways, and stimulating specific points—whether through acupuncture, acupressure, or Tapping—is believed to promote healing. Instead of needles, EFT uses gentle fingertip tapping on these points while focusing on emotional distress.
Scientifically, Tapping sends calming signals to the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for triggering the fight-or-flight response. This response, designed to protect us from danger, is often overactive, making us feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed—even in non-threatening situations. By tapping on meridian points while acknowledging these feelings, the brain recognizes that it’s safe to relax, reducing stress hormones like cortisol and restoring a sense of balance.
What makes Tapping so powerful is its mind-body connection. Negative emotions like stress, fear, and anxiety often show up as physical symptoms—headaches, tension, digestive issues, or chronic pain. By addressing both emotional and physical distress simultaneously, EFT helps get to the root of these issues.
Studies show that Tapping significantly reduces cortisol levels, making it an effective tool for relieving anxiety, sleep problems, chronic pain, emotional blocks, and more. Whether you're dealing with stress in relationships, finances, or health, EFT gives you a simple, accessible way to bring your life back into balance—anytime, anywhere.

Getting to Know the Tapping Points

1. Side of the Hand (Karate Chop – KC)
The Karate Chop point is located on the fleshy, narrow side of the hand, along the edge of the pinky finger. It can be found on both the left and right hands, between the base of the pinky and the wrist. It is called the Karate Chop point because it is the part of the hand used in a karate chop motion.
Corresponding Meridian: Small Intestine
Why We Use It:
Helps release feelings of being stuck and promotes ease in moving forward, letting go, healing from grief, and embracing happiness in the present moment.
Tips for Tapping:
You can tap on either hand using the opposite hand. Try using multiple fingers or your whole hand to tap along the side of your palm to fully stimulate the Karate Chop point.

2. Eyebrow (EB)
This point is located at the beginning of your eyebrow, near the bridge of the nose, right on the brow bone. It is found on both the left and right sides of the face.
Corresponding Meridian: Bladder
Why We Use It:
Releases trauma, hurt, and sadness while promoting emotional healing and inner peace.
Tips for Tapping:
You can tap on both sides simultaneously, on one side only, or alternate sides. Use your index and middle fingers for precise tapping.

3. Side of the Eye (SE)
From the eyebrow point, follow the ridge of bone to the side of your eye. This point is not in the temple but directly on the bone beside the eye.
 Corresponding Meridian: Gallbladder
Why We Use It:
Releases resentment and anger while promoting clarity and compassion.
 Tips for Tapping:
You can tap on both sides at once, on one side only, or alternate. Use two fingers (index and middle) for effective tapping.

4. Under the Eye (UE)
Directly under the eye, following the same ridge of bone from the previous point. Found on both sides of the face.
 Corresponding Meridian: Stomach
 Why We Use It:
Releases fear and anxiety while promoting feelings of contentment, calmness, and safety.
Tips for Tapping:
Tap on both sides or one side at a time. Use your index and middle fingers for gentle tapping.

5. Under the Nose (UN)
The space between your nose and upper lip.
 Corresponding Meridian: Governing Vessel
 Why We Use It:
Helps release shame and powerlessness while promoting self-acceptance, self-empowerment, and compassion.
Tips for Tapping:
Use one or two fingers to tap this small area with light pressure.

6. Under the Mouth (UM) / Chin (CP)
In the crease between your bottom lip and chin.
Corresponding Meridian: Central
Why We Use It:
Releases confusion and uncertainty, promoting clarity, confidence, and self-acceptance.
Tips for Tapping:
Use one or two fingers to tap lightly on this small area.

7. Collarbone (CB)
Starting from where your collarbones meet in the center (the base of the U-shape), go down one inch and out one inch on either side to find this point. Found on both the left and right sides of the body.
 Corresponding Meridian: Kidney
Why We Use It:
Releases feeling stuck, promotes ease in moving forward, and enhances confidence and clarity.
Tips for Tapping:
Tap with a few fingers on either side, or use your whole hand to tap across both points at once, similar to the placement of a bowtie.

8. Under the Arm (UA)
Located on your side, about four inches below the armpit (around the area where a bra strap would sit). Found on both sides of the body.
 Corresponding Meridian: Spleen
Why We Use It:
Releases guilt, worry, and obsessive thoughts, while promoting clarity, relaxation, confidence, and self-compassion.
Tips for Tapping:
Tap with multiple fingers or use your whole hand for broader coverage.

9. Top of the Head (TH)
Centered at the crown of the head.
 Corresponding Meridian:
This point is connected to multiple meridians and is also associated with the crown chakra.
Why We Use It:
Promotes spiritual connection while reinforcing the new balance and alignment achieved through tapping.
 Tips for Tapping:
Use your fingers or whole hand to tap lightly on the top of your head.

How to Do EFT Tapping
EFT Tapping is a simple yet effective technique that you can use whenever you feel anxious, stressed, or emotionally overwhelmed. Follow these steps to guide yourself through the process:
 ✔ Identify the Issue
Focus on something specific that is bothering you—such as fear, anxiety, physical discomfort, a painful memory, or an unresolved problem.
 ✔ Rate the Intensity
On a scale of 0 to 10, rate how distressing the issue feels at this moment. 0 = no distress, 10 = maximum distress. Write down your score to track your progress.
✔  Create a Setup Statement
Acknowledge the issue while affirming self-acceptance. Use a phrase like:
 “Even though I feel [insert emotion or problem], I deeply and completely accept myself.”
For example:
 “Even though I feel stressed about flying tomorrow, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
 Tip: The statement should focus on your feelings, not someone else’s actions.
 ✔ Begin the EFT Tapping Sequence
Tap lightly on 9 key meridian points while keeping your focus on the issue. As you tap, repeat a reminder phrase to acknowledge what you're feeling.
For example:
 “Stressed about flying” or “Nervous about being on the plane”
As you continue tapping, gradually shift toward letting go of distress and embracing more positive emotions. You may also use visualizations or recall past experiences to support your healing.
✔ Reassess the Intensity
After completing a round of tapping, rate the intensity of the issue again on a scale from 0 to 10.
 ✔ Repeat as Needed
If your distress level is still higher than you’d like, repeat the tapping sequence until you experience noticeable relief.
Remember: The more you practice, the more effective Tapping becomes. You can use it anytime, anywhere to bring yourself back into balance! 

The Science Behind EFT Tapping
Although EFT Tapping is a relatively new technique in modern health and wellness, its foundational concepts—rooted in energy healing and acupressure—have been practiced in Eastern medicine for over 5,000 years. Recent scientific studies have provided compelling evidence that Tapping produces real, lasting changes in the body and mind.
Here are some key findings from peer-reviewed research on the physiological and psychological benefits of EFT Tapping:
EFT Regulates the Nervous System & Supports the Immune Response
Tapping helps shift the body from a stressed state (sympathetic nervous system activation) to a relaxed state (parasympathetic activation). This shift allows essential functions—such as immune response, digestion, reproduction, and endocrine balance—to work optimally (Feinstein, 2019).
Additionally, chronic stress and high cortisol levels are linked to inflammation and immune dysfunction (Sapolsky, 2004). By reducing stress, Tapping may support the body's natural ability to heal and regulate itself.
Landmark Studies on Cortisol Reduction & Stress Relief
One of the most significant studies on EFT and stress hormones was conducted by Dr. Dawson Church (2012) and published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. The study found that Tapping significantly lowered cortisol levels—by an average of 24%—compared to only a 14% decrease from talk therapy and a 10% decrease from resting (Church et al., 2012).
This groundbreaking research was further reinforced in a 2020 replication study by Dr. Peta Stapleton, which demonstrated that just one hour of EFT Tapping led to a 43% reduction in cortisol levels—a remarkable physiological shift (Stapleton et al., 2020).

EFT’s Impact on Blood Pressure, Brain Activity & Gene Expression

Emerging research suggests that EFT can help lower blood pressure and heart rate, indicating its potential in cardiovascular health and stress reduction (Lane, 2012). Neuroimaging studies also reveal that Tapping alters brain activity, particularly in regions associated with emotional regulation, such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex (Stapleton, 2022).
Even more compelling, preliminary studies indicate that EFT may influence gene expression, particularly genes related to immune function and inflammation (Church, 2018). This suggests that EFT may have profound, long-term effects on cellular health and overall well-being.

Scientific research continues to validate EFT Tapping as an effective tool for reducing stress, regulating the nervous system, and supporting overall health. While more studies are needed to explore its full potential, existing research demonstrates that Tapping is not only psychologically beneficial but also has measurable physiological effects.
For those seeking a science-backed, holistic approach to emotional well-being, EFT Tapping offers a powerful, evidence-based solution.

  • Church, D., Yount, G., & Brooks, A. (2012). Psychological symptoms improve after a single session of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT): A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200(10), 891-896.
  • Church, D. (2018). The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention. Energy Psychology Press.
  • Feinstein, D. (2019). Energy psychology: Efficacy, mechanisms, and applications. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1353.
  • Lane, J. R. (2012). The effectiveness of Emotional Freedom Techniques in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder: A meta-analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26(1), 1-7.
  • Sapolsky, R. M. (2004). Why zebras don’t get ulcers: The acclaimed guide to stress, stress-related diseases, and coping. Holt Paperbacks.
  • Stapleton, P., Chatwin, H., O’Keefe, K., & Porter, B. (2020). The impact of Emotional Freedom Techniques on cortisol and psychological distress in healthcare workers: A randomized controlled trial. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(4), 422-429.
  • Stapleton, P. (2022). EFT for Teens: The Magic Behind Tapping to Stress Less, Focus Better, and Be Your Best You.

Hello and  Welcome to My Page 

Designed to be ME is my new motto.
Hi, I’m Urszula! I’m a proud mama of three, wife to an amazing man, and caretaker to one delightful cat. But beyond that, I’m a dedicated self-care mentor and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner, passionate about empowering women to discover their own inner healer. My mission is to help women unlock their fullest potential and live lives that are deeply fulfilling, balanced, and aligned with their true selves.
Through my work in holistic health, I guide individuals on a journey to optimal well-being—nurturing the mind, body, and spirit. I incorporate powerful tools like EFT tapping, journaling, meditation, and transformative retreats to support personal growth and healing. Together, we work to release emotional blockages and cultivate a life filled with purpose and joy.
I’m also deeply passionate about creating resources to support others on their self-love journeys. From affirmation cards to beautifully designed journals and digital books, I’ve developed tools that help foster gratitude, positivity, and deep self-acceptance. These tools are born from my own personal journey—a path filled with both challenges and triumphs—which has fueled my desire to uplift and inspire others through my story.
I truly believe in the power of a healthy mindset, the importance of self-care, and the magic of practicing empowering habits that align with who you really are. Whether it’s walking on the beach, biking through nature, or dancing to my heart’s content, I cherish the small moments that nurture my soul. I’m also a huge advocate for natural living and non-toxic beauty, believing that what we put on and in our bodies should enhance our well-being, not compromise it.
While there are many wellness coaches and mentors out there, I bring something uniquely me to the table. I’m proud to stand in my authenticity and to share my journey with you, embracing my motto: Designed to be ME. It’s been a long road to self-discovery, and I’m so happy to be living as my truest self.
With love and gratitude,

I am so glad you found me!
I help women create a life they design!

Live a Life You Design 


© Urszula Kudla. All Rights Reserved.